For Real

The new positioning of one of Brazil’s most loved brands reconnects Fruttare to its origins.

And to launch this positioning, nothing better than a new product. A Fruttare made with looooots of fruit.


Along came the idea for the new line of ice cream Fruttare Lots of Fruit (Muita Fruta). And since the brand is all about real fruit, the campaign needed to be real, with real people, with real opinions.


Beside the documental TV Spots, we covered OOH, POP and social media with the same in-your-face fun spirit. 


My Contribution

Concept, Creative Direction


CCO: Lucas Mello
Creative VP: Mauro Silva
Art Director: Fabio Frencl, Pedro Menezes, Felipe Fagundes
Copywriter: Thiago Costalonga, Ingrid Coelho

Film Director: Gabi Brites
Production Company: Trator Filmes
Social Content Production: Unilever Studios

Agency: ℓiⱴε (formerly LiveAD) (São Paulo) 
Year: 2017


Lacoste Wish Edition


Lenovo The Pursuit Game