Jameson Irish Whiskey
+ Love Delivery:
Better With Friends

During my time ahead of one of W3Haus’ creative teams, I had the pleasure to lead the creation of Jameson Irish Whiskey’s new local positioning.

Jameson is globally known by its core value: they are all about bringing people together to celebrate good moments in life and doing things collectively. They had just launched a new global concept, Widen the Circle, that needed to be “translated” to our local culture.

And the “Jameson é Junto” concept was born.

*For English readers, “Junto” means “Together”.


And every brand manifestation in Brazil was focused on building consistency for the Junto concept.

That’s when the idea of doing a creative collaboration with a local emerging brand called Love Delivery came in.

Better With Friends

Formerly known as Surreal São Paulo, Love Delivery is a street culture fashion brand, deeply connected with the Brazilian music scene (most creatives are also musicians and the brand’s owners are members of the band Terno Rei).

 So, we co-created a branded Capsule Collection, inspired by both brands values: the power of collective, sharing good moments, bringing friends together. And Better With Friends collab was created, matching all the Jameson’s main assets, color codes and graphic elements with the unique and recognizable Love Delivery creative identity.

 The result is a collection that transforms both brand's values into fashion statements.

My Contribution

Concept, Creative Direction, Art Direction


Creative VP: Lari Magrisso
Executive Creative Director: Dani Almeida
Creative Director: Guilherme Rech
ACD: Raisa Sutecas
Strategy: Rômulo Frazão
Art Director: Dimas Forchetti (Junto video), Jaciel Kaule
Copywriter: Barbara Jaeger, Raisa Sutecas (local concept)
Community Management: Amanda "Mands” Abreu

Love Delivery Creative Team
Alana Basso
Bruno Paschoal
Fabio Ayrosa
Gab Ferreira
Popoto Martins Ferreira


Agency: W3Haus (São Paulo)
Year: 2023


Absolut Art Resistance